The Wonders of the Indian Sikh Temple

Have you ever wondered what the Indian Sikh temple looked like? With them being so religious, what was really behind all of that? The words of wisdom that they pour out, the holiness the temple surrounds. The Indian Sikh temple is amazing and eye catching because of its unusual structure, the words of praises on the temples wall and the peaceful feeling in the prayer room.
As of the external part of the temple of the Sikhs, the temple looked like a castle where the king and the queen live. Its internal structure was indefinable due to how it was built and designed. Their walls are full of words, words that would struck you with its praiseful quotes, words that may inspire you in life actually. The vibrant feeling of happiness when you talk with your god in a peaceful matter is basically what everyone wants to have because you can get some alone time and can think things properly unto what to say nor ask god, you can do this inside their prayer room.

The temple has a very unique and wonderful design. The temple fills you with a wonderful spirit that keeps your positivity up. The Indian Sikhs are so friendly and welcoming as we entered; they were wearing their pretty smiles on their faces and treated us all equally. Visiting the Indian Sikh temple never disappointed us, the Sikhs have the hearts of gold and the temple was really deeply inspirational with its message. This is the overall reason why the Indian Sikh temple is the most amazing temple that we had ever visited because it can amaze you for infinite reasons. 

Article By: Lee Piquero and Ma. Frances Guino-o
Photos: ©LeePiquero 

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