Lon Wa Buddhist Temple

“Every quiet place is bound to have a reason.” It may be that there’s something going on or that area is sacred. Just like this place called Lon Wa Buddhist temple. This temple is an important place for all our Buddhist brothers and sisters. The Lon Wa Buddhist temple is a good place for worship because it has a clean environment, peaceful ambiance and has different monuments of people they worship

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness” A neat environment help people focus more on following the teachings of Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. An uncluttered surrounding is also a sign of respect for their Buddha. A tidy setting also attracts visitors to come and makes their visit a memorable one for them. Cleanliness does not just help the people but also helps the environment by making it free from trash and unnecessary garbage that provides inconvenience to everyone.

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without”. It means that you don’t need to find peace for peace will come to you. The Lon Wa Buddhist temple has a peaceful ambiance that allows everyone to have harmony in one’s mind. It gives a soothing feeling that calms one’s nerves and helps forget one’s problems. The temple’s atmosphere of tranquility makes it a nice setting for worship. 

Buddhist people never forget the one who they worship as they are always surrounded by monuments. These memorials will also help them remember the teachings of Buddha. These figures will help the visitors recognize the founder of Buddhism. His ways, guidance and life will always be commemorated in a form of a statue. These representations act as a symbol of all the deeds this person had done for everyone.

The Lon Wa Buddhist temple is a good place for worship because it has a clean environment, peaceful ambiance and has different monuments of people they worship. A tidy place keeps a person away from distractions. The soothing feeling that gives tranquility at one’s mind. The different symbols that help remember the acts of Buddha.  All of these help the Buddhist people to worship and do the acts of Buddha properly.

Article by; Germaine Denosta and Kristine Valderosa
Photos: ©LeePiquero 

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